Re-designed and Expanded Harry Potter Family

 I've had some HP orders comes in recently after a short dry spell of people wanting wizards on the back of their vehicles, but the renewed interest has spurred me to update the family--something I've been meaning to do for some time. The first thing to go was the big cone-shaped hat that used to be on the mom. I gave her a Minerva-costume instead of the scarf, and re-did little Harry, who just looked a little out of sync with the other family members. I also recently completed a custom order for a teen dementor, who is now in the family, and I've tossed in the sorting hat, which I did for someone over a year ago but until recently it had never occurred to me to include. The fact that I keep getting orders for Dobby, a mythical house elf, tipped me off that not all stick members have to represent real family members (I guess Hedwig orders were another clue).

Original Harry Potter Family (sold as a clip art set prior to opening my vinyl shop):
 My first custom Harry Potter family member: a Death Eater dad, created early in my vinyl shop.
 Sirius Black was my second custom dad. Changed the collars to scarves on the Moms and Dads, which people indicated they liked better. Added the Hogwarts pets.
How it looks today: More contrast, with the greater use of filled space to make them stand out more. I removed Teen Harry because I got virtually no takers on him, and I changed the little Harry glasses because they were just so evil to weed (to pull out the vinyl you throw away). I'll have to think of a special gift for the first person to order a sorting hat as part of their family. I have learned I am not always good at guessing what my buyers will appreciate (I'm just good at making them cute), but that my fantasy-themed families do far better than I ever imagined.


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